What are the Chinese zodiac and the elements for 2025?
2026 is the year of Wood Snake. The heavenly stem is Yin Wood Yi, the earthly branch is Si(Snake), the Nayin element for the year is fire.
Chinese Lunar New Year starts on January 29, 2025. However, in terms of Feng Shui arrangements, the energy for the year of Snake starts on February 3, the start of spring, which is a few days after the lunar year.

Tai Sui’s position in 2025, the year of Snake, is primarily in the southeast region, the house of the zodiac Snake, within 135° – 165° of a location. The opposite direction is the house of the zodiac Pig, the northwest region within 315° – 345°, where Sui Po (Year Breaker) is located in 2025.
2025 Tai Sui’s effect for the year of Wood Snake will take place after February 3, 2025.
What is Tai Sui?
Tai Sui is short for Tai Sui God, or Tai Sui General. It is a Chinese Feng Shui term for the body of personified annual energy that mirrors the ideal trail of Jupiter both celestially and locally in projection.
In Chinese folklore, sixty Tai Suis are named after a historically honorable general. Each Tai Sui governs the world of mortals annually in the 60-year sexagenary cycle. The Tai Sui General in 2025, Year of the Snake, is named after General Wu Sui. Tai Sui’s effect for 2025 will occur after February 3, 2025.

The impact of Tai Sui on three important aspects
Tai Sui is a body of energy that changes annually. In general, when we are talking about Tai Sui, we are referring to the annual energy that fills the annual zodiac house both locally and celestially. Depending on the topic and context, the emphasis of Tai Sui’s effect varies, and the ambiguity often causes some confusion in practice. I will break down the most important information about Tai Sui in 2024 in three aspects below,
- Tai Sui’s effect on people, zodiacs offending Tai Sui (Fan Tai Sui)
- Tai Sui’s effect on space (Feng Shui Dos and Don’ts for Tai Sui’s and Sui Po’s position, and my secret method of energy decluttering on these two corners).
- Tai Sui’s effect on time (what hours you should avoid, what you should pay attention to, and what you should not care about)
We will go into details of each aspect below and I will also share with you some of my secret remedies.
Tai Sui’s effect on people, zodiacs offending Tai Sui (Fan Tai Sui)
- What is Fan Tai Sui (offending Tai Sui)?
Tai Sui governs the annual zodiac house and thus has a different reaction with the rest of the zodiacs. When interaction is incompatible or unfavorable to Tai Sui’s house, that zodiac is considered offending Tai Sui. Fan Tai Sui means offending Tai Sui. There are five types of offending Tai Sui, being against Tai Sui, clashing with Tai Sui, being afflicted by Tai Sui, being harmed by Tai Sui, and being broke by Tai Sui. As a result, there are often four to five zodiacs offending Tai Sui each year.
- Which Chinese Zodiacs will offend Tai Sui in 2025?
As we mentioned above, there are five types of offending Tai Sui. Below is an overview of the Chinese zodiacs offending Tai Sui in 2025, Year of Snake.
Zodiacs offending Tai Sui in the 2025 Year of Snake | |
Zodiac against Tai Sui | Snake |
Zodiac clashing with Tai Sui | Pig |
Zodiacs afflicted by Tai Sui | Monkey, Tiger |
Zodiacs harmed by Tai Sui | Tiger |
Zodiacs broke by Tai Sui | Monkey |
Being against Tai Sui means the house of the yearly zodiac is filled up by a body of strong annual energy, for this reason, it magnifies any strength or weakness, benefits or flaws in the natal chart of a person. It is like the conjunction aspect in Astrology. People who are against Tai Sui will often experience instability, emotional and health issues, setbacks, and family issues. In 2025, the zodiac Snake is against Tai Sui.
Clashing with Tai Sui means a zodiac is clashing directly with the zodiac of the year. For that reason, it often weakens or brings damage to certain aspects of life, for example, health, finances, relationships, etc. It is like the opposition aspect in Astrology. People who are clashing with Tai Sui will often experience opposition, obstacles, accidents, or setbacks. In 2025, the zodiac Pig will be clashing with Tai Sui.
Being afflicted with Tai Sui often results in certain retributions or punishments, it often brings about things unusual in life. Afflicted with Tai Sui is like the square aspect in Astrology. People who are afflicted with Tai Sui will often experience certain retributions or punishment due to their mistakes or attitudes. The self-afflicting zodiacs are more likely to suffer the consequences of their own decisions. In 2025, the both zodiac Monkey and Tiger will be afflicted by Tai Sui.
Being harmed by Tai Sui means the supportive energy of a zodiac is being clashed; as a result, it brings about backstabbers, enemies, negative changes, job changes, failure, illness, relationship entanglement, etc. In 2024, the zodiac Tiger is harmed by Tai Sui.
Being broken by Tai Sui has a relatively slighter negative impact in comparison to other types of offending Tai Sui. However, most of the issues caused by breaking Tai Sui are happening under the table, in the back, hidden, invisible for now, or hard to realize by others, for example, betrayal by a friend, food poisoning, legal entanglement, and financial loss. In 2025, the zodiac Monkey is broken by Tai Sui.

- Are zodiacs offending Tai Sui bad luck?
In fact, contrary to what people think, offending Tai Sui does not mean bad luck, or offending Tai Sui, does not necessarily bring bad luck to a person. Offending Tai Sui simply means that a certain aspect of one’s life is magnified, it can be either positive or negative, though in most cases one may experience certain kinds of challenges in life. The outcome will be determined by other factors.
For those who suffer low fortune in different aspects of life and want to ward off the impact of negative energy, they can consider wearing a customized Tai Sui talisman, especially for the four zodiacs offended Tai Sui, Snake, Pig, Monkey, and Tiger. This talisman is strictly consecrated per the highest standard of my Dao lineage Quan Zhen school, which has over one thousand years’ history of creating powerful Daoism magic. It is a great protection tool for one to improve the general fortune in 2025. If you are interested in how to pick the best Tai Sui Amulet/Talisman, I have a deep-dive article on this subject: A Beginner’s Guide to the Best Tai Sui Amulet/Talisman
- Which are the lucky zodiacs in 2025?
In addition to Zodiac offending Tai Sui, some zodiacs are compatible with Tai Sui. When your zodiac is compatible with annual energy, at least one aspect of your life is elevated or bestowed with certain positive opportunities.
The lucky zodiacs for 2025, Year of Snake are the zodiac Rooster, Zodiac Ox, and Zodiac Monkey. But wait, isn’t Zodiac Monkey offending Tai Sui? Yes, that is correct. While Zodiac Monkey is offending Tai Sui in the year of Snake, Zodiac Monkey is also a secret friend of Zodiac Snake. The overlapping of relationships will manifest in different aspects of life as both obstacles and progress at the same time.
Space, the direction or region that Tai Sui stays in that particular year
- The direction of Tai Sui in 2025, the year of Snake
Tai Sui’s direction in 2025, the year of Snake, is in the southeast region, the house of the zodiac Snake, which is within 135° – 165° of a location. The opposite direction of that is the house of Zodiac Pig, the northwest region within 315° – 345°, where Sui Po (Year Breaker) is in 2025. Please note that the house of Zodiac Snake has 7.5° in the south region since the southeast region only goes to 157.5°. Same as Sui Po position, the house of the Zodiac pig has 7.5° in the north region since the northwest region only goes to 337.5°. Please see the picture below for reference.
Both Tai Sui and Sui Po positions should avoid any reconstruction or activities with heavy vibration.

- Feng Shui Dos, Don’t and Remedy for Tai Sui and Sui Po in Year of Snake, 2025
Dos for Tai Sui position (135° – 165°) and Sui Po (Year Breaker) position in the northwest (315° – 345°):
- Keep both areas calm.
- Display a black dog in the Tai Sui position 135° – 157.5°.
- Display a Golden Dragon with 5 Red envelopes in the Sui Po position between 315° – 337.5°.
- Spray salt water to calm the field.
Don’ts for Tai Sui position (135° – 165°) and Sui Po (Year Breaker) position in the northwest (315° – 345°):
- Avoid long periods of activity in both Tai Sui and Sui Po areas.
- Avoid any reconstruction activities in the relevant Tai Sui positions.
- Avoid remodeling projects such as breaking the ground, changing floor tiles, taking down the walls, heavy hammering, or activities that cause heavy vibration, etc.
Below is the secret remedy checklist that can help to declutter negative energy in both the Tai Sui and Sui Po areas of 2025 :
- Avoid adding earth and water elements into this corner.
- Avoid items such as spherical items, shiny items, pieces of jewelry, crystals, and appliances such as an alarm clock and audio system in the Tai Sui position.
- Avoid displaying animals such as a dragon, rooster, pig, or tiger (regardless of statue or picture) in the Tai Sui position.
- Avoid displaying animals such as a pig or a horse (regardless of statue or picture) in the Sui Po position.
- Displaying items such as maps, flags, certificates, trophies, plants, ceramic items, etc. in the Sui Po position.
However, the most important factor to minimize Tai Sui’s negative impact is to avoid any reconstruction and remodeling activities in Tai Sui’s and Sui Po’s directions is good enough in general. Any activities such as breaking the ground, drilling, or breaking the wall will activate the energy of Tai Sui. In most cases, it triggers the negative side of Tai Sui.
But, what if you have to do a reconstruction in Tai Sui’s position, say, water is leaking in that corner of your house, what can we do then?
What we often hear from a consultant is that there is nothing you can do about it and negative consequences will follow.
Well, there is an advanced method to minimize the negative effect and I have never seen anyone revealing it in public. I have always used it to help my clients when they activate Tai Sui by accident, and it has worked magic in many cases. Though it was within the advanced practice category, the practice itself is not complicated, I put down a step-by-step guideline below:
First, if possible, start that reconstruction in the last 20 minutes of an hour, and try to keep yourself or your family away from the site being activated. It is the weak end of an hour in terms of energy.
Secondly, put seven grains of raw rice and mix it with seven dashes of salt in freshwater, dash the saltwater in four corners of the house, and the family members who got involved. It will significantly lower the negative impact of Tai Sui. However, since this is a powerful practice and it may do damage to spirits, one should call out to the corner before dashing the water into it. Please join Willow’s Feng Shui Best Guide and check for details.
Thirdly, after dashing the water on both family people that are present and to the corners of the house, leave the site for 24 hours (spend the night in a hotel) if possible and return the next day.
Another secret tip that has been passed down from Daoism is to apply the consecrated Five Thunder Talisman (the left one below), or the Sha-deflective Reconstruction Talisman (the right one below) to the reconstruction areas.

This Five Thunder Protection Talisman is a very well-known and revered protection talisman from the Daoism Quan Zhen School, meticulously consecrated for comprehensive protection and cleansing. Crafted following Quan Zhen School’s highest protection talisman standard, this talisman serves multiple protective purposes, ensuring the safety and well-being of its bearer in various situations. In this case, this Five Thunder Protection Talisman can be displayed in the reconstruction area to minimize the negative energy caused by heavy activities or reconstruction in annual afflicted areas, such as Tai Sui, Sui Po, and Three-Killings.
The Sha-Deflective Reconstruction Talisman is a powerful protection talisman designed to deflect harmful Sha Qi caused by wrong innovation activities. It is particularly effective in mitigating the negative energy caused by activating annual afflicted areas, such as Tai Sui, Sui Po, and the Three-Killings. This talisman is invaluable during renovation activities, as it minimizes the harm and protects individuals from ill-developed negative energy that can arise from such disturbances.
The more thorough you can follow these instructions above, the less negative effect you will experience in the upcoming days.
Time, the hours, days, months that have a conflict with Tai Sui
In Feng Shui practice, there are often three factors to be considered for a matter, earth, heaven, and mankind; earth being the space, mankind being the person who got involved, these are basically the zodiac and space arrangement that I mentioned earlier in this article. The third factor, heaven, is the time to initiate an event, to activate a certain type of energy. There is unfavorable time that may affect the development of a matter and cause issues, there are also auspicious times that will push things in the direction we desire.
For example, in 2025, the year of Sanke, people are advised to avoid the time of the zodiac Snake and Pig because they are considered Tai Sui and Sui Po time and may insert too much instability in an event.
When is the time of the zodiac Snake and Pig?
Month-wise, the month of Snake is between May 5 to June 4, and the month of Pig is between November 7 to December 6.
The picture below is a general range of each zodiac month, the actual starting date and end date can be one day before or after the estimated dates below.

Day-wise, one can refer to Chinese almanac for details. Once you identify any day of Snake and Pig, the next sixth day is considered a Tai Sui or Sui Po day and should be avoided. For example, February 3, 2025, is the day of Rabbit, so February 4 would be the day of Dragon, February 5 the day of Snake, meaning February 5 is the Tai Sui day, and the next 6th day February 11 is the day of Pig, the Sui Po day, February 17 is the day of Snake again, Tai Sui day, and so forth. These days are considered not great options to start an important project in general.
Hours associated with Tai Sui are often avoided in time picking. Chinese zodiac hour system is different from the occidental hour system. The day starts after 11 pm the day before and ends at 11 p.m., not 12 a.m. The zodiac hours go in a bi-hourly system, starting with 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. as the hour of Rat, 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. as the hour of OX, and so on.
People are often advised to avoid using the time of Snake (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) and Dog (9 p.m. to 11 p.m.) to initiate an important event, wedding, grand opening, etc.
Zodiac & corresponding hours | |
Rat | 11pm – 1am |
Ox | 1am -3am |
Tiger | 3am-5am |
Rabbit | 5am-7am |
Dragon | 7am-9am |
Snake | 9am-11am |
Horse | 11am-1pm |
Sheep | 1pm-3pm |
Monkey | 3pm-5pm |
Rooster | 5pm-7pm |
Dog | 7pm-9pm |
Pig | 9pm-11pm |
Time picking is a very complex subject that only be mastered by a small group of advanced masters. When it is practiced correctly, it can produce a wonderful result. However, the amount of calculation is huge and results in an expensive charge. People often refer to the auspicious/ominous time in a traditional almanac for convenience; however, the time a traditional almanac can offer is often way too generic and arbitrary and thus helps very little for practical purposes.
If you are interested in the subject of Tai Sui, I also have another Tai Sui article explaining the origin of Tai Sui and its different impacts in depth.
For the 2025 Feng Shui Flying Star arrangement, please check this article here.
I’m excited to share a project I’m working on to help people deepen their understanding of classical feng shui systematically and practically. As part of this initiative, I’m offering a free consulting survey where I’ll also personally answer your questions. Participants who have taken part in this survey have walked away with valuable insights and a sense of clarity.
If you’re eager to learn authentic feng shui that can truly transform your life or feel overwhelmed by conflicting theories, this is the perfect opportunity to gain clarity and real guidance. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your knowledge and align your environment for success!

This is a free session, but spots are filling up fast! Don’t miss your chance—join my Facebook Group and send me a PM for more details. Let’s get started on transforming your life with classical feng shui!