Tai Sui’s direction in 2022, year of Tiger, is in the northeast, the house of zodiac Tiger, which is within 45° – 75° region of a location. The opposite direction of that, southwest within 225° – 255° region is called Sui Po (Year Breaker). Both of these two regions should avoid any reconstruction or heavy vibration.
What is Tai Sui?
Tai Sui is short for Tai Sui God, or Tai Sui General. It is a Chinese feng Shui term for the body of personified annual energy that mirrors the ideal trail of Jupiter both celestially and locally in projection. In Chinese folklore, there are sixty Tai Suis, each named after a historical honorable general. Each Tai Sui governs the world of mortals annually in the 60-year sexagenary cycle.
Is Tai Sui bad luck?
Tai Sui does not mean bad luck, or offending tai sui does not necessarily bring bad luck to people. Offending Tai Sui simply means there is certain aspect of one’s life is magnified, positive or negative, though most cases one may experience certain kind of challenge in life. The outcome will be determined by other factors.
Note, there are five ways of offending Tai Sui, being against Tai sui, clashing with tai Sui, afflicting by Tai Sui, harming by Tai Sui, and broke by Tai Sui. As a result, there are generally four to five zodiacs offending Tai Sui each year.
Is Tai Sui Jupiter?
Tai sui is not Jupiter. There has been a common misconception that Tai sui is Jupiter since it is called Grand Duke Jupiter. It is not. Tai sui is an imaginary object, a body of energy, that was created in Chinese ancient waring states era to mirror the “ideal” trail of Jupiter.
Back then, each state had their own way of time keeping, thus made it rather inconvenient in communication between states. People across states needed a uniform and accountable standard to do their time keeping. Soon, they found Jupiter as a good fit for this job, since Jupiter’s orbital period is around 12 years (11.8626 years later they discovered) and moving around 30 degrees along the ecliptic annually. Therefore, people divided 12 sessions along the ecliptic and charted a 12 celestial houses (different from the zodiac nowadays).
However, as time progressed, the little time difference (0.14 year for a cycle of 12 years) accumulated and started to drastically affect in timekeeping of correct season and year. After 85.7 years, Jupiter was one house ahead of where people thought it should be. To remedy this difference, an imaginary celestial object called Tai Sui was created (Grand Duke of the Year). Tai Sui is made to be a perfect mirror image of an ideal Jupiter that runs a perfect 12-year cycle in the sky: Jupiter moves westward along ecliptic (counterclockwise) as the observer facing the south, while Tai Sui (the imaginary object) moves eastward along the ecliptic (clockwise) as the observer facing the south.
The reason I say “ideal “trail of Jupiter earlier is because Tai sui is not mirroring the actual trail of Jupiter, and if Tai Sui is mirroring the actual trail of Jupiter, Tai sui would be soon off accuracy (just like Jupiter) and useless as the representative of annual zodiac energy. Though the origin of Tai Sui was associated with Jupiter, it has little to do with Jupiter in its further evolvement. Tai sui is not tied to an actual celestial body, but it can stand independently as a common reference of annual energy in Feng Shui practices.
Which animals Fan Tai Sui in 2022?
There are five ways of offending Tai Sui, being against Tai sui, clashing with tai Sui, afflicting by Tai Sui, harming by Tai Sui, and broke by Tai Sui. As a result, there are generally four to five zodiacs offending Tai Sui each year.
Below is an overview on what zodiacs are offending Tai Sui in 2022, Year of Tiger:
Zodiac against Tai sui | Tiger |
Zodiac clashing with Tai sui | Monkey |
Zodiacs afflicting by Tai sui | Snake & Monkey |
Zodiacs harming by Tai Sui | Snake |
Zodiacs broke by Tai Sui | Pig |