The Beginner’s Guide to Tai Sui, Sui Po, & Bai Tai Sui for 2024 Year of Dragon

What is Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) in Feng Shui and why does it matter to you?

Tai Sui is short for Tai Sui God, or Tai Sui General. It is a Chinese feng Shui term for the body of personified annual energy that mirrors the ideal trail of Jupiter both celestially and locally in projection. In Chinese folklore, there are sixty Tai Suis, each named after a historical honorable general. Each Tai Sui governs the world of mortals annually in the 60-year sexagenary cycle.

A temple with 60 Tai Suis and Dou Mu

Tai Sui has a strong impact in three aspects, mankind, earth, and heaven. Earth being the space we live in, one of the important topics of the annual feng shui arrangement is to deal with the Tai Sui and Sui Po corners; mankind referred to the zodiac people that offend Tai Sui, while Tai Sui has an overarching impact for every people; heaven being the time, just like there is a pocket of energy in annual period, there are also pockets of monthly, daily and hourly energy that has impact in people’s lives. That is the reason why the subject of Tai Sui should matter to everyone.

Are zodiacs offending Tai Sui bad luck?

In fact, contrary to what people think, Tai Sui does not mean bad luck, or offending tai sui does not necessarily bring bad luck to a zodiac. Offending Tai Sui simply means there is a certain aspect of one’s life that is magnified, positive or negative, though in most cases one may experience a certain kind of challenge in life. However, one can always stay proactive to take on the challenges and use make it an opportunity for a new direction.  The outcome will be determined by other factors, how well one has prepared for it, is the inherent fortune going up or down, is there anything negative feng shui complicating the situation and precenting one from achieving his/her goal.

I listed the zodiacs that offend Tai Sui in 2024, the year of Dragon.

Zodiacs offending Tai Sui in 2024 Year of Dragon
Zodiac against Tai suiDragon
Zodiac clashing with Tai suiDog
Zodiacs afflicted by Tai suiDragon
Zodiacs harmed by Tai SuiRabbit
Zodiacs broke by Tai SuiOx
Zodiacs offend Tai Sui in the year of Rabbit 2024

For those who suffer low fortune in different aspects of life and want to ward off impact of negative energy, they can consider wearing a customized Tai Sui talisman. This talisman is strictly consecrated and activated, following my Dao lineage Quan Zhen school, which has over one thousand years’ history of creating powerful Daoism magic. It is a great protection tool for one to improve the general fortune in 2024.

What is the direction/position of 2024 Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter)?

In 2024, the year of water Dragon, Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) locates in the southeast region, house of zodiac Dragon (105° – 135°).  The Tai Sui in 2024 is named after General Li Cheng.  

Tai Sui & Sui Po positions in 2024, the year of Dragon

What is Sui Po (Year breaker) and its direction/position in 2024?

Sui Po, the Year Breaker, is always in the opposite direction of Tai sui. It is also the area that should avoid reconstruction and heavy activities. The feng shui beginners often pay great attention to the Tai Sui corner, but easily ignore Sui Po corner, which is equally important.

In 2024 Year of Dragon, Sui Po locates in the house of zodiac Dog, the west region within 285° – 315°. 

When will 2024 Tai Sui start to take effect?

Tai Sui’s effect for 2024 will takes place after Li Chun, February 4th, 2024. The moment when the sun is at 315 degrees ecliptic, defined as the beginning of spring. The impact of Tai Sui will last for a year till the beginning of next spring, February 4th, 2025. Please be aware that the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year is on February 10th, 2024. However, the Tai sui will not change until after February 4th.  

What is the best feng shui cure for 2024 Tai Sui?

The popular practice is to display a Tai Sui amulet, or a Tai Sui Plaque, in the southeast region; or to wear a bracelet, but you do not have to. Because this practice is often very general and does not produce an ideal result. I would like to share with you my approach below.

2024 Tai sui locates in the southeast region, House of Dragon (105° – 135°), which overlaps with flying star # 2 (star of sickness) in this region. My suggestion is to display a black stuffed dog in the southeast corner, alongside with a brass Wu Lou with blue ribbon tied on it. This arrangement is a combination to regulate the negative energy of both Tai Sui and Sick Star # 2.

Feng Shui Arrangement for 2024, Year of Dragon in Tai Sui corner

Time wise, there are hours, day and month of Tai Sui and Sui Po. 

The month of Dragon is the month of Tai Sui, which is between April 4, 2024, to May 4, 2024.

Day wise, one can refer to Chinese almanac for details. Once you identify any day of rabbit and Rooster, the next sixth day is considered a Tai Sui or Sui Po day and should be avoided. For example, February 4th, 2024, is the day of Dog, meaning that is a Sui Po day, and the next 6th day February 10th is the day of Dragon, the Tai Sui day, February 16th is the day of Dog again, Sui Po day, and so on and so forth.  These days are considered not great options to start an important project in general.

7am to 9am is considered the time of Dragon, thus Hours of Tai sui in 2024, which should be avoided to initiate an important event. See the Reference table below.

Zodiac hours in a daily cycle

The other practice (I highly recommend) to minimize the negative impact and even gain positive support from Tai Sui is to help people, actively providing support to people in need of help, donation, etc. This type of voluntary action often receives no reward or compensation, but it will build up one’s Yang energy and thus able to help one to regulate the overall fortune.

In traditional cultural practice, one can also pray to Tai Sui for protection and safety through performing a ritual in a temple with Tai Sui Shrine, or even home. For those who have little knowledge of feng shui practices, this is an alternative in many regions. We will discuss in a topic below.

What is the cure for 2024 Sui Po (Year Breaker)?

Unlike Tai Sui, to mitigate Sui Po’s negative effect does not require ritual, but rather the awareness of the relevant space and time, which can be taken care of in feng Shui wise. In 2024, Sui Po locates in the house of zodiac Dog, the northwest region within 285° – 315°.  One can display a golden Dragon with blue ribbon tied to it in the northwest region of your house to minimize the negative effect of the Sui Po, this is also a practice to cleanse the potential negative element in northwest region. Avoid any new construction in west areas (Keep this area calm).

Feng Shui Arrangement for 2024, Year of Dragon in Sui Po (Year Breaker) corner

Time wise, the month of Dog is the month of Sui Po, which is between October 8, 2024 to November 6, 2024. 7pm to 9pm is considered the time of Rooster, thus Hours of Sui Po in 2024, which should be avoided to initiate an important event.

Who needs to pray to Tai Sui /Bai Tai Sui?

In general, the group of people often suggested to pray to Tai Sui for protection and safety are zodiacs offending Tai Sui (Fan Tai Sui) of the year. However, anyone can perform this ritual to appease Tai Sui.

Bai Tai Sui is really an umbrella term that can be used for all Tai Sui-praying activities and all groups of people in the beginning of the year. “Hua Tai Sui” literally means to resolve the issues of Tai Sui; it is basically a quick and layman version of Bai Tai Sui without much personal information involved.

She Tai Sui, also known as “Nip Tai Sui” in Cantonese, is a special type of Bai Tai Sui designed for zodiacs offending Tai Sui (Fan Tai Sui). She Tai Sui means to learn the wisdom and to follow the way of Tai Sui as the annual Tai Sui general is deemed the way and the wisdom of the year personified, thus minimizing mistakes and wrongdoing.

If you are interested in the ritual process of how-to Bai Tai Sui/She Tai Sui, I provided a thorough guidance in these two articles below.

According to the Chinese folklore, there are sixty Tai Suis, each named after a historical honorable general. Each Tai Sui governs the world of mortals annually in the 60-year sexagenary cycle. A Tai Sui general being selected as the lead of that particular year suggests that his way of life best benefits the mundane world of that year. In the year of 2024, Tai Sui is General Li Cheng, who was a general in Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368). General Li Cheng was known to be generous and lenient to his subordinates and people while still maintaining a disciplined community under his watch.  He encourages farming and apportions tax based on people’s real family situation and therefore lifts the heavy tax burden of the poor at that time. He also advocates education and builds schools, minimizing robbery and theft of the time.  In private life, he was distinguished for filial piety and charity.

2024 Tai Sui General Li Cheng

The lessons that we can learn from Tai Sui General Li Cheng:  in the year of Wood Dragon 2024, we should take strategic plan to a achieve our goals. Be kind, be understanding, and be flexible to people around us while still sticking to your principle, regardless of whether they are your supervisors or your employees. Pay attention to details and adjust your way, or tailor your method and your approach to actualize your goal. Just like the scarf in Tai Sui Li Cheng’s right hand (representing a practical approach) and sword held in his left hand (representing principle), balance and flexibility is the key to be successful in the year of dragon. That is the mindset one should have after praying to Tai Sui, because one is not only praying to Tai Sui’s protection and blessing, but more importantly, applying this mentality and wisdom as the way of his life in this year. 

If you would like to dive deeper in the topic of 2024 Tai Sui, please check out my article: “A Comprehensive Guide to Tai Sui in 2024 – Fan Tai Sui & Secret Cure,” which included the origins of Tai Sui, analysis for five types of offending Tai Sui, and my secret cure to Tai Sui affected areas.

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Advanced Feng Shui Master - Six Methods, San Yuan Feng Shui, Xuan Kong Da Gua, 64 Guas, Flying stars, Eight Mansions, Form School, Qi Men Dun Jia, Quan Zhen Dao Master, Classic Astrology and Auspicious Celestial Activation.

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