I came across a question regarding cleansing a haunted house. Whether you are a feng shui expert or an enthusiast, do NOT try to cleanse it on your own if you have not been professionally trained in relevant aspects. Those popular sages smudging, salty water, and singing bowl are all airy, relaxing, and fun until you encounter something serious. It can be a person who got possessed, a haunted house, a Tame Head (Gong Tau), an evil curse, or the foundation of a home was on a burial site, or there are bones of humans or animals buried underground, etc.

Do NOT risk your life for that.

For educational purposes, I will share how we deal with haunted houses in my lineage. There are five primary steps:

First, apply protection, especially if you are the master to carry out the entire ritual. The spirit is aware that you are coming to get him/her and see you as his/her enemy. Some spirit will attack you even before you come into the house. I have seen and heard enough cases that masters who come for cleansing end up miserably, losing a limb, having a terrible car accident in the subsequent week, or even death. Protection. Protection. Protection.

Second, set up your offerings, and negotiate a deal with the spirit as you increase the amount of offering. Oftentimes, you will reach an agreement with the spirit in this process, and you will need to ensure you follow the content of the agreement after this ritual.

In rare cases, there are spirits, for various reasons, not agreeing to your offering and resisting leaving the house. In my lineage, there is a limit we set when during a resistant spirit, once we hit the limits and the spirit still does not give a Yes “answer”, the master will enforce carrying out the rest of the offering ritual, it is entering the battle zone at this time.

Third, after the offering ritual is completed in the haunted house, the master will start the ritual to appeal to the presence of the Grand Law Master in the lineage, starting the actual process of cleansing, or some would call it the “ghost busting” ritual in the house. This step will send away the resisting spirit in this house and cleanse the negative energy.

Fourth, apply protection to the cleansed house. The master will need to create a field of protection and seal it. This specific protection ritual is usually combined with the Five Thunder Talisman or the House Protection Talisman by the end of the ritual to ensure the field is established, so the spirit cannot return.

Fifth, the owner needs to carry out the offering that was agreed upon during the offering rituals. Make sure the owner is protected in this step.

Below are the samples of two talismans metioned above, the one on the left below is the Five Thunder Talisman, the one on the right is House Protection Talisman.

The process of dealing with a haunted house is rather complex, and indeed it can be very dangerous if you are not careful. I have seen and heard enough stories of how it got lashback on people because they did it improperly.

Be safe, be kind, and be knowledgeable.


Advanced Feng Shui Master - Six Methods, San Yuan Feng Shui, Xuan Kong Da Gua, 64 Guas, Flying stars, Eight Mansions, Form School, Qi Men Dun Jia, Quan Zhen Dao Master, Classic Astrology and Auspicious Celestial Activation.

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