How to Attract More Wealth in 2023 – the Customized Wealth Arrangements for Different Types of Occupation

If you have read my article below, you probably assume the south region, where annual flying star # 8 locates, is the annual wealth corner for 2023.

While it is true and can be a good first step, but it is not the whole picture. The constant growth of wealth depends on income. Thus, one needs to have sources of income to generate wealth. If you are an admin person in a cooperate, your source of income is likely stable. Then the wealth star alone may not be the best option for you. If you are running a business, your income may vacillate from month and month, then wealth star may work better for you. However, different types of business require different type of energy to boost the financial luck. The methods to boost wealth fortune for a photography business and a law firm, for an office manager or for a car salesman can be drastically different.   In this article, I will shared with you my customized energy combo for three very common job categories.

Managers and Leads

If your job position needs to lead and make important decision, say, a project manager, you will need to activate both south corner and west corner. It will strengthen your authority and leadership, if it requires great amount of communication, you should also activate southwest corner and take care of southeast corner. It will reduce the disagreements, mitigate quarrelsome energy, improve your verbal fluences and even create a charming and charismatic social impression for you.

Proper items to activate the energy combos:

South:  Green plant in a red ceramic pot

West:   A ceramic ram

Southwest:   A golden monkey statue with a natural gourd, or a green plant in a white ceramic pot

Southeast:    A pair of red envelopes

Creative Occupations

If you are working in the art or entertainment industry, say, a screenwriter, a photographer, a musician, or, your job needs constant inspiration or requires a lot of creative ideas, say, video blogger, a youtuber, etc., you can activate north corner and south corner, southwest corner, and central region. The intercourse of energy combo from these four regions creates a strong bond of creative, attractive, and vibrant vibe, it does not only free up your imagination and mind, but also gathers attention for you, generating a halo-like affect, making you the center of attention.

Proper items to activate the energy combos:

North:   3 pieces of red envelops

South:  Ficus Audrey in green ceramic pot

Southwest:   A round golden tray

Center:    A set of 4 calligraphy brushes     

Sales and Small Business

If you are running a small business, or being certain type of salesman, or even a marketing director, you will need to activate both southwest corner and south corner. It will improve your communication skills, sharpen your logical thinking and business acumen, and expand your network.

Proper items to activate the energy combos:

South:  A pair of red envelopes

Southwest:   A round golden tray

How to Correctly Chart a Location

Now you have known what regions would work best for you. The next step would be to identify the corners in your house or business location. In order to accurately chart your location, you would need the items below to start with:

  • An accurate compass or a reliable compass APP.
  • An in-ratio blueprint of your house/business location.
  • Protractor, pencil, and paper.

Step 1:  Go outside of the location, standing a few feet away from the main entry, using a compass to measure the degree of the location, the degree close to the house is the sitting degree, the degree pointing out is the facing degree. Write down the degree and you can apply this later.

Step 2:  Assume your house/business location is a square/rectangular shape, use a pencil to draw the two diagonal lines and the crossing point of these two lines is the center of the location.

Step 3:  Apply the degree you read earlier in the blueprint. For example, if you reading degree is 90 degrees and facing degree is 270 degrees.

Step 4:  Use a protractor to align the degree. Then start mark down the degree following the direction table below:

Eight Directions/SectorsDegrees Range
East67.5 ° – 112.5 °
Southeast112.5° – 157.5°
Southwest202.5° – 247.5°
West247.5° – 292.5°
Northwest292.5° – 337.5°
North337.5° – 22.5°
Northeast22.5° – 67.5°
Ba Gua Directions & Degrees

Step 5:  Connect the marked dots opposite to each other, and you can get rid of two diagonal lines and the degree marking for a simple view.

Step 6: Mark down the direction and you got a complete chart.

Step 7: follow the guidance to display items in corresponding positions.

For example, if you are a project manager, the regions that you want to activate would be west, southwest, south, and southeast. Following prior instructions, you would get the arrangement below:

South:  Green plant in a red ceramic pot

West:   A ceramic ram

Southwest:   A golden monkey statue with a natural gourd, or a green plant in a white ceramic pot

Southeast:    A pair of red envelopes

Please bear in mind that the result of these arrangements would be different because of other variants, such as the external environment of the houses, the time one moved into this location, the different internal layout, and current stage of personal fortune, etc. 


Advanced Feng Shui Master - Six Methods, San Yuan Feng Shui, Xuan Kong Da Gua, 64 Guas, Flying stars, Eight Mansions, Form School, Qi Men Dun Jia, Quan Zhen Dao Master, Classic Astrology and Auspicious Celestial Activation.

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